The FroKnowsPhoto Guide to Getting Out Of Auto
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Take CONTROL Of Your Camera….
Let Me Get You Out Of AUTO!
Cameras today do a very good job in full auto. Auto can help pretty much anyone take a picture. But what if you want to truly capture a moment? What if you want to take more than a simple snapshot? You get out of auto and take control of your camera. I know it may seem scary to turn that dial out of auto. I thought the same thing. Just like you… I was stuck in auto for the first 5 years of shooting. The good news is – YOU don’t have to wait 5 years to bust out of auto like I did. By the time you finish watching the FroKnowsPhoto Guide, you will know how to harness the power of your camera and start capturing ANY moment with complete confidence.
What’s Included With Your Order
- 3 Hours of exclusive, original video education you won’t find anywhere else.
- 4 Real World Photo Shoots with you as my assistant.
- Discover the importance of the exposure triangle and how to use it to your advantage.
- Learn how to FREEZE action for those professional looking sports photos.
- How to know what the perfect ISO is to use and when.
- What’s the difference between a cheap lens and a professional lens.
- Learn that it’s not the camera that takes winning pictures, it’s you.
- 3 Exclusive bonus videos (the 5 Year Plan, How to Make Money as a Photographer and how to market yourself as a photographer.
Here’s a Taste Of What You’ll Find Inside…
How To See The World
I show you how to train your eye to start seeing the world around you as images waiting to be captured. This will truly open your eyes!
Basic Camera, No Problem
I show you how even the most basic of cameras and kit lenses can be used to capture great images. You are more important than the camera. Remember that.
Glass, Glass, Glass, Glass, Glass
One of the most important things in photography is your lens. I break down the difference between a $50 lens and a $2,000 lens but also show you how you can get fantastic results with even the most basic of kit lenses.
Composition 101
Have ever looked at an image and said it seems to look off? Whereas you’ve seen other images that stop you in the tracks and make you say wow? I break down in great detail the different Rules Of Composition so you can see the fundamental building blocks of your images.
Should You Crop?
How many times have you heard someone say “I’ll just crop it in post”? I hate that statement for many reasons. One, if you know you need to crop it, why not simply shoot it properly. Two, the more you crop, the more you hurt the quality of your images.
Camera Basics
Cameras all function pretty much the same way. We take a walk around the mode dial so you get a full understanding of everything it has to offer. From the auto modes to A-S-M-P.
Shutter Speed
Have you ever noticed that your subjects blurred across your image when they were moving fast? In the guide, I use a swing set to demonstrate what effect different shutter speeds have on freezing motion.
Does Shutter Speed Affect Exposure?
It certainly does, the slower the shutter speed, the more light you let in. The faster the shutter speed, the less light you let in. Shutter speed also affects if you can freeze motion or blur it.
The general rule of thumb is, the brighter the situation, the lower the ISO. The darker the situation, the higher your starting ISO should be. In this section, I help you understand the best starting ISO based on what situation you’re shooting in. On top of that, I discuss what causes noise and grain in your images.tur.
Have you ever noticed that “blurry” “out of focus” background in images that make your subject pop? I’m going to teach you exactly how to make that happen even if you don’t have the most expensive gear in the world.
Depth Of Field
Do you want to get everything in the frame in focus or just the main subject? But what happens as I raise and lower my F-Stop? This section clears that all up for you.
Focal Length And Depth Of Field
Did you know the longer the lens, the more compression you get in an image? The wider the lens, the less you get?
What’s Variable Aperture?
There are variable aperture and fixed aperture lenses in the world. Variable means the f stop changes as you zoom in and out. Fix means the aperture will stay the same no matter how much or little you zoom.
Your Light Meter
Every modern DSLR and Mirrorless Camera has a light meter in it. I show you exactly how it works and how it sometimes can be a little on the confusing side.
Focus Modes
Do you know the right times to be using Single AF vs. Continuous AF? Do you know when you would want to switch into Manual focus and do all the work yourself? This section breaks it down perfectly.
What’s The Exposure Triangle?
The exposure triangle is made up of three building blocks. These building blocks have stayed pretty much unchanged for the last 100 years. And more than likely, 100 years from now the building blocks will still be the same. My goal, teach you the fundamentals and mentalities of photography so you can capture the images you’ve always wanted.
Join me on 4 Real World Photo Shoots
Kid’s at Play
For this Real World Shoot, I invited a friend and her son to the park for some candid action photos. I decided to use a basic DSLR with a Kit lens to show you it’s the photographer, not the camera, that makes the images. I show you how I work with a variable aperture lens as well as a kid who simply won’t stand still. You’re going to love this section if your goal is better photos of kids.
Skateboarding Action and Portrait Shoot
I know many of you out there want to capture better action photos. I show you how easy it can be to not only freeze your subject in mid-air but how to also get the best composition in a fast past shoot. I also show you how to direct your subject while capturing street portraits.
Low Light Action Shoot
Capturing solid images in low light situations is not easy. I give you the fundamentals and tools in this section to make sure you can go into any low light situation with confidence and come out with fantastic photos.
Portraits in a Parking Lot
You don’t need to have the best location in the world to capture great portraits. I chose to do this portrait session in a parking lot to show you even when you don’t have a great location, with some creative focus, depth of field and directing, you can come home with awesome photos.
How To See The World
I show you how to train your eye to start seeing the world around you as images waiting to be captured. This will truly open your eyes!
Basic Camera, No Problem
I show you how even the most basic of cameras and kit lenses can be used to capture great images. You are more important than the camera. Remember that.
Glass, Glass, Glass, Glass, Glass
One of the most important things in photography is your lens. I break down the difference between a $50 lens and a $2,000 lens but also show you how you can get fantastic results with even the most basic of kit lenses.
Composition 101
Have ever looked at an image and said it seems to look off? Whereas you’ve seen other images that stop you in the tracks and make you say wow? I break down in great detail the different Rules Of Composition so you can see the fundamental building blocks of your images.
Should You Crop?
How many times have you heard someone say “I’ll just crop it in post”? I hate that statement for many reasons. One, if you know you need to crop it, why not simply shoot it properly. Two, the more you crop, the more you hurt the quality of your images.
Camera Basics
Cameras all function pretty much the same way. We take a walk around the mode dial so you get a full understanding of everything it has to offer. From the auto modes to A-S-M-P.
Shutter Speed
Have you ever noticed that your subjects blurred across your image when they were moving fast? In the guide, I use a swing set to demonstrate what effect different shutter speeds have on freezing motion.
Does Shutter Speed Affect Exposure?
It certainly does, the slower the shutter speed, the more light you let in. The faster the shutter speed, the less light you let in. Shutter speed also affects if you can freeze motion or blur it.
The general rule of thumb is, the brighter the situation, the lower the ISO. The darker the situation, the higher your starting ISO should be. In this section, I help you understand the best starting ISO based on what situation you’re shooting in. On top of that, I discuss what causes noise and grain in your images.tur.
Have you ever noticed that “blurry” “out of focus” background in images that make your subject pop? I’m going to teach you exactly how to make that happen even if you don’t have the most expensive gear in the world.
Depth Of Field
Do you want to get everything in the frame in focus or just the main subject? But what happens as I raise and lower my F-Stop? This section clears that all up for you.
Focal Length And Depth Of Field
Did you know the longer the lens, the more compression you get in an image? The wider the lens, the less you get?
What’s Variable Aperture?
There are variable aperture and fixed aperture lenses in the world. Variable means the f stop changes as you zoom in and out. Fix means the aperture will stay the same no matter how much or little you zoom.
Your Light Meter
Every modern DSLR and Mirrorless Camera has a light meter in it. I show you exactly how it works and how it sometimes can be a little on the confusing side.
Focus Modes
Do you know the right times to be using Single AF vs. Continuous AF? Do you know when you would want to switch into Manual focus and do all the work yourself? This section breaks it down perfectly.
What’s The Exposure Triangle?
The exposure triangle is made up of three building blocks. These building blocks have stayed pretty much unchanged for the last 100 years. And more than likely, 100 years from now the building blocks will still be the same. My goal, teach you the fundamentals and mentalities of photography so you can capture the images you’ve always wanted.
Join me on 4 Real World Photo Shoots
Kid’s at Play
For this Real World Shoot, I invited a friend and her son to the park for some candid action photos. I decided to use a basic DSLR with a Kit lens to show you it’s the photographer, not the camera, that makes the images. I show you how I work with a variable aperture lens as well as a kid who simply won’t stand still. You’re going to love this section if your goal is better photos of kids.
Skateboarding Action and Portrait Shoot
I know many of you out there want to capture better action photos. I show you how easy it can be to not only freeze your subject in mid-air but how to also get the best composition in a fast past shoot. I also show you how to direct your subject while capturing street portraits.
Low Light Action Shoot
Capturing solid images in low light situations is not easy. I give you the fundamentals and tools in this section to make sure you can go into any low light situation with confidence and come out with fantastic photos.
Portraits in a Parking Lot
You don’t need to have the best location in the world to capture great portraits. I chose to do this portrait session in a parking lot to show you even when you don’t have a great location, with some creative focus, depth of field and directing, you can come home with awesome photos.
I’ve Also Included This BONUS VIDEO…
The Five Year Photography Plan
As a Bonus for purchasing the FroKnowsPhoto Guide to Getting Out of Auto, I’m including this bonus guide that includes the 5 Year Plan, How to Market Yourself as a Photographer, How to Make Money as a Photographer. This Bonus video alone is worth the price of the guide.

100% Money Back Guarantee
Here’s the deal:
You have a full 60 days to try the FroKnowsPhoto Beginner Guide.
And if you’re not jumping with joy over the photos you’re getting… Then you don’t pay a dime.
– Jared Polin
Real User Reviews
The beginner guide did exactly what it advertised. It got me out of auto. It taught me aperture, iso and shutter speed and what they all mean. I can’t thank you enough.
Matthew TurnerI purchased the guide already knowing most of the basics but I still learned so much from watching the video. Jared has a great style of teaching and look forward to future videos.
David SpectorI came away from The Beginner’s Guide with a firm understanding of aperture, shutter speed, ISO, and their relationship. I know my camera now and what to expect before I even take the shot. I haven’t used anything but manual since.
Jeff BriggsAs a beginner photographer, who never went to school or had much training, I was looking for a nice tutorial on how to take my photos to the next level. The Fro Knows Photos Beginner guide was just what I was looking for.
Erik HoffmanThe FroKnows photo beginner guide was a great purchase, very informative and well done. Gave this to my mother and it is helping her out tremendously with her photography…Great job and keep up the awesome work.
Kevin SheppardThe Beginner guide is a great way to learn about the basics of photography and gave me not only motivation to shoot , but to see the world and capture its dynamic beauty with my camera.
Paul BestFrequently Asked Questions
Is the video streaming or a digital download?
The video guide is a digital download. After you purchase it, you will be emailed a link to two zip files. Please make sure you download them to a computer and not a tablet or phone.
Can I play the video on my iPad?
Yes, once you have it downloaded to a computer and unzipped, you can put it on whatever device you would like.
I purchased the guide, but I don’t know how to access it.
Please check your email for a download link. If it’s not in your inbox, please check your spam folder. If it’s not there, please email support at and be sure to include your order number and that you purchased the Beginner Guide to Getting Out of Auto.
What format will the video be in?
MP4 which is universal across all computers. If the video does not play, please make sure you have the latest video codecs installed on your system.
Will this help me if I’m not a beginner but not a pro?
Great question, if you are fully out of the auto modes and able to shoot in full manual this guide may be too basic for you. But, if you are in the auto modes and not sure how to build your exposure manually from scratch, this guide will be perfect for you.
How many times can I watch the video?
Once it’s downloaded, you can watch it as many times as you would like. Be sure to back it up to a memory card or a hard drive so you can always access it.