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A guide to "Capturing Motion" in low light situations

5 Min Portrait - Full Portrait Photo Shoot


Welcome to the second 5 min portrait video in what should be a long series of extended videos. Now I know this video goes on for way more than 5 minutes which means I may need to start to adapt the title in the future. I may actually keep the title but mold the photo shoots into something different. My personal style of shooting lends very well to shooting candidly which tends to be less talking and more shooting which also will be fun to watch.

When most photographers post their photo shoots they tend to only show you the best of the best which are fully edited and touched up. After a lot of thinking I decided to post every single image taken during this portrait shoot. (I believe there was one image I deleted from the camera out of habit).

I felt that it was more important to include every image during the video so you can see the subtle tweaks and changes that I make from picture to picture. You can find all the photos from the photo shoot down below as well as see each image pop onto the screen as its taken during the video.


You will also notice that even though I am set to 9 FPS in my Nikon D3s there was only one occurrence where I snapped off more than one frame at a time. There should be no need to motor drive during a portrait shoot, try to feel the moment that the image should be taken, get into a rhythm with your model.

There are a lot of killer tips to be had in this video, from posing to settings to how to interact with the model. I think the best way to learn from this video is to sit back and just follow along during the shoot. There is no better way to learn in my mind than to see an actual photo shoot in action. It is one thing to talk about a photo shoot or how you “should” do something opposed to just getting out there an actually doing it.

I hope there was a lot of information you were able to get from this video. I am working on more videos like this for the future as well as a full on “FroKnowsPhoto Beginners Guide” which you will be able to purchase.

If you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comment box below. This video is sponsored by Allen’s Camera and Video where I purchase all of my gear 215.547.2841.