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1000th VIDEO

This video is my 1000th video on YOUTUBE!!!! In under two years I have reached the 1000 video milestone and I owe a HUGE THANKS to you. Without you guys watching the videos and leaving your comments this would not have been possible. All of your e mails, facebook messages and other comments really help to keep this site up and running.

Now I do not know what the next 1000 videos may hold but I know I am looking forward to changing up the content a little to keep everything fresh. I have been working on different ideas for some time now and can not wait to share them with you.

In the video above you will see a screen test I did in 2008. I was so bad in front of the camera, I am not sure what happened but one day the switch went off and everything changed for me. Thats when I started to make the FroKnowsPhoto videos.

I would LOVE to see videos of you guys saying “My name is _____, from ______ and I SHOOT RAW”. This will give me a chance to see who is watching and where around the world. Please record video of yourself and upload it to Youtube as a video response to the 1000th video. I think it would be cool to make a compilation video of all of your uploaded videos.

Thank you guys for being there for the last 1000 videos.

Here are some videos that have been submitted already!!!