Buy One Give One Weekend
I am doing a Buy One Give One Weekend for both of the Fro Guide Digital Downloads starting right now and ending at midnight on Sunday 1/2/14.
I did this once before and people really loved being able to give the gift of photography.
Purchase either the “Getting out of Auto” or the Beginner Flash Guide” or both as a digital download.
Email me your receipt(s) with the subject line “Buy One Give One” to Jared at FroKnowsPhoto dot com. In the e mail include the name and email address of the person you would like to “GIVE” the gift of my guide(s) to. If you would like to have me “pay it forward” to someone anonymously please mention that in the e mail. I will than send that person an e mail with the links to download the guide(s). FroKnowsPhoto Beginner Guide to Getting out of Auto FroKnowsPhoto Flash Guide
This offer is only for the digital downloads purchased from 1/10 to 1/12/14. If you do purchase both guides you will be able to have me “give” both guides to the person you specify. If you purchase Getting Out of Auto that is the guide you will get to give and same for the Flash Guide.
Thank you guys very much and let’s share the gift of photography!!!!