Photo Challenge, where and what will you shoot? (Our first 4K Video)
As a photographer it’s always great to challenge yourself and step outside of your comfort zone. Recently I decided to set a personal photo challenge which I in turn now want to challenge you to.
1. Pick a location (coffee shop, park bench, bus stop, school etc)
2. Sit in that exact spot for one hour without changing spots. (you can turn which ever way you want but not move your seat)
3. Try to observe and capture the world around you with whatever gear you have.
4. Share the images with the world by either. (feel free to post them on my facebook page under the posts promoting this challenge, I want to see them)
Click Here to see the FULL RES results from my challenge.
This is not an easy assignment, I personally almost left after 20 min because I wasn’t allowing myself to see the world. Once I relaxed and saw the world around me I was better able to find the images to capture. First it started with the tea cup in front of me and then moved to the lights, roof and people. You can’t be afraid to capture the world around you. It is getting harder and harder to be a person with a “real” camera but don’t let that stop you from capturing the moment.
This is the first full 4K video we have posted. It was taken with the Canon XC-10 that is borrowed from BorrowedLenses. So far we are really enjoying this camera. If you have a big screen I suggest you check out the 4K.