Rapid Fire Critique
119 episodes
- Fantastic Photo Editing, Not Bad Composition, Street Photography All With One Lens: Critique
- #SUNDEEP: Hobbyists Photographer or Professional One, you tell me! Rapid Fire Critique
- This Photographers Photos Are Close But Not Quite There Yet: Rapid Fire Critique
- Is Your About Page Costing You Photo Jobs? It Could Be If: Rapid Fire Website Critique
- What Is With The Weird Cropped Aspect Ratio? Rapid Fire Critique
- Fisheye Photography Is The LAZIEST Form Of Photography When Overused: Rapid Fire Website Critique
- Not ALL Photos Need To Be BOOOMIFIED But These Definitely Do: Rapid Fire Critique
- Should your "Photography Website" include a link to your "Massage Therapy " one?
- A Basic Starter Nikon D3200 Camera and "Kit Lenses" Made These Images: Rapid Fire Critique
- Does the "Background Color" Of Your Photography Site Matter: Rapid Fire Website Critique
- Get your "LINES" straight in your photos or have them look amateurish: Rapid Fire Critique
- This Is One Way To Make Your Photography Business Look "CHEAP" Online: I don't recommend it
- This sites only a WEEK old so I took it easy, NOT: Rapid Fire Squarespace Critique
- Stop cutting off your "Portraits" at weird places: AdoramaPIX Rapid Fire Critique
- The difference between a WINNING photo and an eh photo is timing: Rapid Fire Critique
- Welcome to 30 Critiques in 30 Days (9/1 to 9/30)