Watch Me Teach on CreativeLIVE for FREE: July 10th-12th
You can RSVP to watch me LIVE for FREE no matter where you are in the world. Click Here to RSVP.
Want to be there LIVE in Seattle? You can register for your chance to there RIGHT HERE.
Do you want to attend the very first RAWtalk LIVE and you are in the Seattle area? Click Here to put your name in.
That’s right, I will teaching a class on CreativeLIVE from July 10th-12th. The class is called “Taking the Fear Out Of Low Light Photography” and you can watch LIVE for FREE. Please click the link above to RSVP for the class so you don’t miss any of it.
We all know that one of the hardest situations to shoot in is Low Light photography. So many people are afraid to bump their ISO but I will show you why it’s not only okay to do so but I recommend it.
This will not be your typical boring class, I wont be sitting in a classroom the entire time talking. You will get to join me on location as we shoot through different challenging low light situations.
There will be a gym or yoga situation where I am photographing someone working out, making fast movements as well as candid images. What goes into a shoot like this, how do I set my camera, what’s going through my mind? I will answer all of those questions LIVE during the shoot.
The second day will be coming to you LIVE from a concert venue. Yes I will have a band on stage for me to photograph. But I want you to remember that just because my subjects are musicians that doesn’t mean if you don’t want to shoot music you wont get anything out of it.
Low light situations are going to be the same no matter your subject. I want you to keep an open mind when you are watching this portion as it will play a major role in other low light situations.
I will be mixing in there a few other low light situations that may take place on the street or in a nursery photographing a mother and a baby. Low light photography does not have to be a scary thing. I am going to take the fear out of it and show you once and for all how to handle many different low light situations with ease.
Like I have said many times before, photography does not stop when you press the button. A lot of what makes your low light images WINNERS is your post processing. We will be spending time processing the images I have captured so you can see how I take an image from flat to BOOOOM.
I look forward to you all joining me LIVE from July 10th-12th. Oh yea, if you are local to Seattle you may be able to be one of the students in the studio audience. You can sign up RIGHT HERE for the chance to join me LIVE in the studio.