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A guide to "Capturing Motion" in low light situations


I had a lot of request for me to share some of the JPEG’s straight out of the camera. As I mentioned in the preview video, these images were captured with a pre-production camera and beta firmware. I wanted to take a closer look at the JPEG’s and show you what turned out, what didn’t, how the focus was in my experience as well as the banding in silent mode. Like I learned with the banding in the Sony a9, if you shoot at a higher shutter speed you may encounter banding in the image.

Below are links to sample images as they came straight out of the camera. There’s a 200 meg upload limit per file, thus why there are five zips for you to download.

Nikon Z7 Sample’s 1
Nikon Z7 Sample’s 2
Nikon Z7 Sample’s 3
Nikon Z7 Sample’s 4
Nikon Z7 Sample’s 5

Pre Order from Adorama
Nikon Z7
Nikon Z7 with FTZ Adapter
Nikon Z6
Nikon Z6 with FTZ Adapter

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