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A guide to "Capturing Motion" in low light situations

Photo of the WEEK - BlogWorld + ijustine

Last week I was out in LA speaking and photographing BlogWorld Expo 2011 LA. It was my task to capture great images of speakers as well as candid images.

One of the hurdles I faced was the lighting. The AV people decided that in order to see the projector that they had to turn the lights mostly off except for some down lights. This meant there was no light on the speakers and I had to crank the ISO to make it work.

Now I could have just said its to dark im not shooting but it is not my job to complain about the lighting. My job is to work with whatever the situation is and get quality images. Sure I let the people in charge know that this lighting set up is going to be very very difficult to shoot in but I still needed to get the images.


I pulled a few images from the shoot to showcase, edit and give you the story behind them. You are going to see some photos of iJustine (shes so dreamy). It is officially my goal to go on a date with her which she can live cast if she would like.

If anyone can help make this happen please let me know. Other than that enjoy the Photos of the WEEK and let me know if you have any questions.


GUESS WHO LIKED THIS VIDEO….ijustine herself!!!

ijustine likes the FRO