Adobe Lightroom Batch Editing
Well it seems as if I took something for granted in Lightroom; Batch Editing. Basically the ability to sync the edits to a file from one to another. As I mention in this video a fan at the Allen’s Camera live broadcast didn’t know that you could easily apply the settings from one photo to a bunch of others. In this video I go over each of those methods; good, bad and ugly ;).
The extra tip of the week comes early in the video and goes over selecting images. This is definitely a simple task but knowing what is happening will allow you to master it with ease. Keyboard shortcuts discussed this week are Ctrl + Shift + C for copying the develop settings and then Ctrl + Shift + V for pasting those settings. Some others were Ctrl + A for select all and the major ones G for grid view in the Library Module and D to switch to Develop module.