So you are new to photography, first congratulations and welcome to I understand that you may be a little overwhelmed by the prospect of trying to figure out how to use your new camera but stick with us and you will figure it out.
I put this page together to help you get started and understanding photography. Please be sure to sign up for the FRO LIST as you will receive inside information and tips that only people on the list get.
Below you will find videos from some of the best posts for you newbies along with links back to the original posts. The original posts are definitely worth checking out as they offer a ton of useful text information.
Seeing and Feeling – This video will help you get into the right mindset as a photographer and really show you that its about the photographer not the equipment.
How to go from Auto to Manual CLICK HERE for the full post
Nikon D7000 Tutorial Part 1 CLICK HERE for Part 2
Nikon D3100 Setup Tutorial
RAW vs JPEG side by side, you must CLICK HERE to see these images and part 2 of the video
Understanding DX and FX lenses
This video talks about what I think are the 7 must set settings. Click here for the original post
What is ISO, I just don’t get it!!! CLICK HERE as there is a ton of amazing info
This will help you understand Shutter Speed
This video wil really help you understand Depth of Field
How do I make my backgrounds blurry but my subjects sharp, CLICK HERE
What focus mode should I choose, I just dont get it? Click HERE and you will have a better understanding