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A guide to "Capturing Motion" in low light situations

Top 5 from March 24th and 25th

For the theme of “relax” we had over 37 pages of entries and tons of amazing images. There were over 1400 votes and the top two were separated by only four votes. The good news for the second highest vote getter is that they will also be receiving a BlackRapid strap. Great job last week lets try and get that to continue this week with the new theme below.

Vibrance, what is it, where is it, how do you get it? Could it be something that exudes color or is it something that someone or something possesses. There are so many vibrant things around us, from cars to people to food to music. It is all in how you perceive it. CLICK HERE to see this weekends theme.

Let’s see what you come up with this weekend for the theme of “Vibrance”.






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