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A guide to "Capturing Motion" in low light situations

This proves once again it's not the Camera it's the Photographer: Rapid Fire Critique

Time and time again people prove that it’s not the camera it’s the photographer. Don’t you love when someone says what camera is that, it takes fantastic pictures? It’s like saying wow that food was amazing what oven to you own?

People are always asking what do I look for when I am selecting sets for the rapid fire critique? I simply look for a set of images that has potential to give me a lot to teach. I don’t look at the settings or anything else other than a few of the images when I am deciding. The reason is the settings and camera don’t matter it comes down to the images first and foremost.

The images in this set were captured with the Nikon D40 a camera that was released somewhere around 2006. Like I have said a million times a lot of what you do comes down to having the proper settings as well as quality glass.

This set shows us that the photographer has an eye, a way to see the world and capture it no matter what camera is in their hands.

If you would like to submit your set of images for a critique please click the submit images tab above. Please keep in mind I do not get to everyones sets as I can only critique roughly 40 a year.

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