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Camera Gear - What is a LensCoat

Today we are looking at a product called a LensCoat. A lens coat protects your lens from the elements or in many cases helps you blend into your environment. Before I get into what they are used for I want to talk about the company itself.

Lens coat is a mom and pop business, it started with an idea and now its gone global with the help of being in some of the largest camera stores. There are even companies out there who make knock offs and are trying to piggyback off of lens coats success. I love stories like this, where the little guy is able to turn something small into something very successful while still being a mom and pop business.

Here are some points about lens coats. You will find a lot of nature photographers who have huge glass, were talking 400mm to 600mm lenses with lens coats on them. One major reason is they went to blend in with their natural surroundings as they tend to sit out in the woods trying to capture that perfect moment. Two the lens coat protects the lens (not the element) from getting dirty, dusty or scratched up. This is very important because these big lenses hold their value when you are looking to trade them in. Cleaner lenses carry a better reseal price which means you will get more for your trade or when you go sell it.

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You don’t have to be a nature photographer in order to use a LensCoat. IF you are in the military they have the military printed version or you can pick up the random colors that they offer. For more information or to check out the products that they offer please check out their web site

To get entered to WIN something from LensCoat please go to their FaceBook Fan page and leave a comment about what lens you would use the coat on. Click Here to enter